Posts tagged democrats
Shady Shenanigans: Montana’s Shameless Jungle Primary Scheme

In the lead-up to last year’s elections, many political strategists and pundits predicted Republican wins across the country, based on the trend in U.S. politics wherein the president’s party performs poorly in midterm elections. The GOP sought to fragment the existing trifecta consisting of a Democratic House, Senate, and White House in an effort to stall President Biden’s legislative agenda—and to an extent, they were successful. Republicans gained control of the House after four years of Democratic control.

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The Importance of Public Debate In the Modern Era

Last Saturday, the Davis Political Review hosted a public debate between the Davis College Republicans and the New Liberals club. The event was the first of its kind in Davis where student panelists questioned other students with differing perspectives on topics ranging from freedom of speech, campus violence, foreign policy, and inflation while providing them with a platform to civilly discuss their different opinions. We would like to thank the New Liberals club and the Davis College Republicans for their participation in this debate. As a nonpartisan organization, we in the DPR understand the value of our free speech, and most importantly the duty we hold to protect it.

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