Posts tagged child poverty
Giving a Hand Up with a Hand Out: Part 2

The U.S. has one of the highest child poverty rates in the developed world, and children have the highest poverty rate among any age group in America. Our country is more than wealthy enough to resolve this issue — the continued existence of child poverty is a policy choice. How does a country that prides itself on its exceptionalism, reckon with the fact that so many of its youth sleep hungry or on the street?

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Giving a hand up with a handout: Policies to Eliminate Child Poverty

Nearly eleven million kids live in poverty in the U.S., or 1 out of 7 children. In the land of opportunity, many are denied resources equal to that of their own peers. With millions of children falling behind due to lack of food, stable housing, and healthcare, there is ample work to be done. Current assistance for low-income children and their parents is a patchwork of niche programs, temporary assistance, needless requirements, and bureaucratic burdens. To fix these broken aspects, assistance to the poor should embrace the goal of ensuring each child receives, at a minimum, adequate nutrition, housing, and healthcare.

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