Posts tagged Sriya Chinnam
Understanding and Solving the Climate Crisis Together

From the mechanical pencils we write with to the energy we use to power our homes, every facet of human civilization impacts our natural world significantly. Since the 20th century, humans have consumed more resources per year than civilizations have for centuries. Environmentally, humans are cutting down entire forests, polluting oceans with plastics, and drilling oil out of the ground. The consequences include rising sea levels, abrupt changes in weather patterns, more intense ‘natural’ disasters, and mass extinction of thousands of animal species. 

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Women’s Rights in Iran and the Role of Civil Disobedience

For decades, the governing system and regime in Iran have limited basic freedoms for women. In 1979, the Iranian Revolution installed a radicalized system of government, leaving the country with a militarized theocracy that controls and oppresses citizens. Due to the corrupt regime, Iranian women face harsh discrimination. Lack of freedom of expression, association, and assembly has left Iran’s citizens powerless. On Sept. 13th, 2022, a 22-year old woman, Mahsa Amini, was prosecuted for disobeying the headscarf regulation. Amini was brutally assaulted in jail, catalyzing thousands of Iranian’s to resist the regime through strikes and protests.

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