Posts tagged Sacramento
At REDA Self-Sufficiency Starts with Housing

As a student, finding housing is one of my biggest priorities, but I was able to rely on my parents to show credit history and proof of income. For refugees arriving in the US finding housing is one of the first challenges to rebuilding their lives. They must do so often before they learn English and with none of the proof of income, credit, or rental history I was able to use when getting my first apartment. This problem is not unique to refugees or the city of Sacramento but one non-profit, the Refugee Enrichment and Development Association (REDA) is helping clients rebuild their lives. 

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Final Exam: Canceled. How Strikes have Impacted the UC System

Within the last week of Fall Quarter, professors have been rolling out updates about the final exams and end-of-quarter assignments in consideration of the UC-wide academic worker strike that has persisted since Nov. 14. In acknowledgment of unfair labor practices and low wages in relation to high cost of living, members of the academic union swept the California campuses, administrators’ homes, and Sacramento streets in the past month. A mass strike halts grading, discussion sections, and all regular functions that allow undergraduate students to receive grades and move on to the next quarter without financial or academic conflict.

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Viva la Revlución: 4 legislators visited Cuba with lobbyist

Four of eight California legislators members – three Democrats and one Republican – enjoyed a rather exotic and questionable Spring Break in Cuba.

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